Meet The Family

The Haleys


A Heritage in Design

By Haleys came into being after honing our craft over decades creating original hand painted artwork through our freelance design studio, Haley Studios Ltd, founded by Geoff Haley.

From his eager beginnings as a design apprentice at 16, Geoff has been prolifically designing for over 40 years, with best sellers in all areas of interiors. Recognising great mentors along the way, Geoff has risen to be a master in his field.

Soon after the testing times of the 2009 crash, Geoff's son, Richard, came on board. Flickers of symbiosis began to ignite as father and son pushed forward with renewed vigour and complimentary skills.

Flourishing under Geoff's tutorage, daughter Rebecca and daughter-in-law Anna joined the team in 2014 and 2016 respectively. The same core values transpired; fostering a deep and honest understanding of design and aspiring to create beautiful work.

Creating our own products had always been a campfire pipedream for us. Unrestricted by stringent briefs and commercial grips, we've always envisioned pushing the limits and creating truly spectacular design work. By Haleys will be the playground for our most ambitious and sublime work to date.

'By Haleys will be the playground for our most ambitious and sublime work to date'

The Objective

Aspiring for Beauty

Behind the scenes, we've amassed thousands of designs through our studio practice, and have sold them to wonderful brands and clients all around the world. We're all so fortunate to be truly creative on a daily basis and we've no intention in ever sacrificing this.

We're well aware of how our hand painted craft is gradually becoming a rarity amongst the digital age. However, the benefits of digital printing perfectly compliment all the richness and detail our hand painted work has to offer.

It's an exciting process bringing our hand painted murals all the way through the digital process, ready for production. From the offset, we're excited to be transparent with By Haleys, documenting and sharing this fascinating journey as we evolve.

By Haleys will be about more than just us. Our desire for producing outstanding work takes aim at enriching the creative landscape, inspiring those on this journey with us.

Average results are not on the agenda, our vision is to create murals that are sublime, beautiful and awe inspiring. Ultimately, creating unforgettable spaces and experiences for the people who inhabit them.

As a family unit, we've come to deeply understand the importance of trust and the power of working towards shared aspirations. We truly value fresh perspectives and ideas; from small suggestions to potential collaborations, our door is always open to new possibilities and broadening our scope. If there's ever a reason for you to reach out, please don't hesitate. We're all ears!